Thursday, March 4, 2010

Trying Out the New Drill

A few weeks ago, one of my coaches lent me this swimming technique video. From the video, I really got a lot out of it! I learned this new breaststroke drill that works mainly on the kick and body position. What I had to do was place my hands on my side and on every kick make sure that my feet touched my hands. This drill also focused on my body position because it forced me to make sure my head was aligned with my spine. This drill also forced my kick to remain strong to the end and put more emphasis on my glide. I love working on drills in practice, because it shows my body similar ways to improve technique within my stroke.


  1. This drill sounds really difficult to make and sounds like you could drink a lot of water by trying it. My dad was a swimmer in his childhood and then became a Physical Education professor, and every time we go to them pool and I start swimming he would watch me and correct me on every movement I do.

  2. I'm glad to know this because I believe that you can truly learn and get a lot out of videos. For example, when I am getting ready for a ballet performance, I enjoy watching my role danced by other ballerinas because I learn from them and obtain their character interpretation. Keep on swimming and good luck with those drills!
