Thursday, April 8, 2010

Swim With Dolphins

I know that this has nothing to do with competitive swimming but it has to do with swimming. One thing I have always longed to do is swim with the dolphins! I think that it sounds like such an amazing experience! One time I was driving down to the keys and my family and I stopped off at a place just to see what it offered. At the place we stopped off at you can swim with them, do tricks with them, or sit and pet them! I really would love to do that soon! I am pretty sure this is the place we stopped off at....


  1. Swimming with dolphins is something I've always wanted to do also. Everytime I go on a cruise or down to the Bahamas, I'm always offered opportunities to go swim with dolphins, but have always been busy or unable to do it. I would love to have the chance to swim with dolphins one day.

  2. Swimming with Dolphins is awesome I had the chance to do this in Jamaica. It was entertaining to watch the various tricks they preform and to feed them! The one thing I wish we were able to do is actually swim with them. I think it would be awesome to hold on to their fin and swim right along with them!
